In Search for the Malaysian Teachers' Blogs - Khairiltitov

Blogging for the Malaysian teachers is a new phenomena. There could be some that have been blogging since Bloggers was established but it is still something uncommon to teacher community in this country.  This blog will document my observation in trying to understand the blogging activities by this group of people in Malaysia. 

Why they blog?
What are their blog contents?
How are their blogging activities?
Do they create some kind of blogging communities, or just an individual affair, like electronic diary or personal journal.
Who are they? When they start blogging? 


Thursday, 25 September 2008

Nafishah's blog added

Nafishah's blog was added today.  I found her blogs a few days ago but don't have the opportunity to added it to the list.  So, I have collected 7 blogs so far.  Nafishah was a secondary school Islamic Education teacher who attended my workshop earlier I conducted at CITA, IIUM.  The workshop was about using ICT for education.  More than 30 Islamic education teachers in Gombak district area attended the workshop. 

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Currently I have 6 blogs by Malaysian teachers. 1 of them is a school blog co-authored by a team of 4 teachers. However there have not been updated for quite a while. Either they are too busy with their school work or they have just stop writing?

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Added wikis to the search

I have decided to add wiki search to this blog.  Wiki is even new to Malaysian teachers.  Probably it is interesting to know how they perceived it as compared to blogging. 

Monday, 1 September 2008

Blogging by Malaysian Teachers

Blogging for the Malaysian teacher is a new phenomena (to my knowledge). In this blog would document my observation toward understanding the blogging activities by this group of people in Malaysia. Why they blog? What are their blog contents? How are their blogging activities? Do they create some kind of blogging communities or just an individual affairs (like electronic diary or personal journal).  Also, who are they? I will try to link from this blog to their blogs as much as possible and try to do some analysis from them. 

You are welcome to follow this blog. Just click the following link.